An absolute (Re)Masterpiece! Dance Craze re-released
Stunning! Wow – go and buy it now!
To be honest, I could leave this review there, that’s all you need to know really. It really is that good.

Filmed throughout 1980 and originally released to the public in 1981, Dance Craze captures the 2-Tone era and the bands associated with it at their absolute best. I doubt anyone reading this here on Rude Rebel hasn’t at some time watched the movie, but none of you will have seen it in this much detail.
Previously only available officially on VHS, and unofficially as poor quality DVD releases from questionable sellers, as well as occasionally appearing on video sites like YouTube. However, none of them were like this…this is something else!
Fully remastered in 4k from the only surviving 70mm print of the movie, taken from the personal collection of the original cinematographer, Joe Dunton, this release of the 2-Tone classic is nothing short of stunning!
Besides the obvious increased visual quality of the bands performances, plus the much better audio, you can now pick out so much more detail that has revealed itself during the remastering process.
Backstage crews working away, camera people shooting the footage and the faces and reactions of the crowds can all be picked out like never before, making this version a whole new experience that is both breath taking and awe inspiring in equal measures.

To add to the attraction, also included in the extras is an episode of the BBC programme ‘Arena’ called ‘Rudies Come Back’ which explores the beginnings of the 2-Tone phenomenon, with footage shot at the original 2-Tone records ‘office’, some additional performances not in the original release and some before and after shots of the restoration process.
Back to the first comment – Stunning! Wow – go and buy it now! It’s available from a number of sources, including the links below:
Townsend Music Two Tone Shop