About Rude Rebel

Here at Rude Rebel, we’d like to create a community of likeminded individuals who love the UK (and international) ska scene. We’re talking original new ska with a smattering of traditional, 2-Tone and 90’s revival ska.

Rude Rebel Logo

What we’re not here to do is cover the multitude of 2-Tone cover bands that are currently doing the rounds (at least in the UK). Don’t get us wrong, cover bands have their place but there are a lot of great original ska bands out there that write their own music, who’s lyrics relate to the world today and who work damn hard to get their music heard, often with little success. Rude Rebel exists to try and right that wrong!

Rude Rebel started as a grain of an idea back in early 2023. I then spent an entire year messing about with it, deciding exactly what the focus would be and whether or not I had the time to dedicate to it (I also work full time), and whether I would ever actually launch it!

Late in 2023 I decided 2024 was the time to just crack on so here it is, Rude Rebel, launched 5th January 2024, 7pm!

As for me, my name is Pauly and I’ve been into Ska for 30+ years. I absolutely love Ska in all its forms – early Jamaican Ska, Trojan, 2-Tone, 90’s revival, Ska-Punk, Ska-Pop and pretty much everything that’s kicking about right now. I started my youth cult adventure as a little mod at school, but once I and left school, the Ska scene and particularly the skinhead Ska scene grabbed me by the balls and I was hooked – “The rest, as they say, is history”.

Over the years, I ran a short-lived skinhead fanzine (somewhat predictably called ‘The Skinhead Fanzine’), fancied myself as a promoter, dropped out of the scene somewhat for a while (never stopped listening just stopped going to gigs and getting involved) and then got reinvigorated by the current crop of ska and ska-punk bands both here in the UK, the U.S. and Europe.

It’s been a hell of a ride and I genuinely believe that some (most) of the Ska bands in the scene right now are the best there have ever been.