Do the Dog Skazine releases it’s 124th edition!
If you haven’t read a copy of ‘Do the Dog’ skazine yet, then where have you been?
Running since forever (35 years+), the latest issue (Number 124!), includes news from around the Ska world with info on (deep breathe) The Bakesys, Buster Shuffle, Ed Rome, Kid Kapichi, The Specials Family, Too Many Crooks, Spunge, Almighty Uprisers, PorkPie, The Beat, Intensified, The Co-Operators, King Zepha, Proper Ska Records, Underneath The Lookout, The Meow Meows, The Selecter, Junior Bill, The Cimarons, Potato 5, New Tonic, Big 10, Packet Racket, The Skapones, Madness, The Ska Flakes, Spicy Roots, Red Soul Community, Babylove & The Van Dangos, The Mercurials, Juantxo Skalari, The Chains, Skarface, Old Boys In Town, No Sports, Western Mecanique, Klikk Panikk, The Skaloggs, La Fricativa Sonora, The Uppertones, Mr Leu & The Nyabinghers, Joe Gittleman, The Allniters, The Skatalites, Bop Harvey, Warsaw Poland Bros, Maga Rude, The Kittyhawks, Secret Cajun Band, Doom Regulator, Mikal Reich, Killer Diller, John Bunkley, Half Past Two, Matamoska, The King Kong 4, Greg Lee, The Toasters, Doctor Bird Records, Rollings & Save Ferris! (Phew!).
For a 4 issue subscription to Do The Dog Skazine in the UK send £16.00 via PayPal to & include “Skazine Sub” & your postal address in the message section of your order.
You can also pay for a UK subscription by sending £16.00 (cheque payable to Do The Dog Music) along with your name & address to: Do The Dog Music, 65 Blackdown Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 3FY.
To subscribe for 4 issues from outside the UK send 20.00 GBP via PayPal to & include “Skazine Sub” & your postal address in the message section of your order.